A Variation on a recipe…Kebabs!

So this is a firm favourite for the family and I first experienced this meal while filming an episode of Farming the Wild with Mike. We were out camping and hunting for the elusive Roe Buck……well actually they are not that elusive but when you are trying to film a hunt they always seem to be……..

Venison Kebabs

You can use premium diced venison or if you marinade for a couple of days then you can use the casserole diced venison as the marinate breaks and softens the meat down.

Into a clear food bag or bowl (I like the bag as you can seal and leave in the fridge without taking up too much space) place the diced venison and to this add the Rasal Al Hanout and Harrissa Spices and leave to infuse for an hour or two. Then to this add natural yogurt and lemon juice, this is what starts to break the meat down and tenderise. You can leave this is the fridge for a couple of days and it will only get better. When ready to use, skewer the meat and sprinkle over some more harrissa spice and rassal al hanout and set aside ready for cooking.

The Salsa

This is super simple and easy, finely chop onion, cherry tomatoes, coriander leaf and garlic and add together in a bowl. Add a good dash of freshly squeezed lime and lemon juice and from the limes finely zest and add as well and season well with salt and pepper. Finally add a good slug of olive oil and mix well.

Pitta Bread

Making pitta bread is simple enough but as we are a busy household we cheat…….oops! Tortilla wraps or pitta breads are equally as good and my family prefer the wraps.


The kebabs can be cooked under the grill but out favourite ways is over open fire or a very hot BBQ, cook the kebabs for 5-10 mins depending on how well done you like your meat and dont forget to rest the meat after cooking for at leat 5 mins.

Serve the meat into the wrap, add the salsa and a little yogurt (we also like to add a little cheese!) and enjoy………


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